Sunday, August 03, 2008

Organizational Innovation Programs – Upcoming Talks

I will be giving several talks around South Africa based on the Leveraging Ideas for Organizational Innovation and Demystifying the Link between Innovation and Business Value research projects. Here are a few dates:

  • August 13th – Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town
  • August 26th - Department of Informatics, Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology, University of Pretoria
  • August 29th – BSG South Africa


Unknown said...

Hi Kevin,

Please contact me to discuss your availability to present to the Segment heads in FNB.



Anonymous said...

Hi Kevin

I recently attended your talk at the Graduate School of Business (University of Cape Town).

I was rather sceptical going into the talk, given the amount of fluff surrounding "innovation" these days. Suffice to say, I was pleasantly surprised; your presentation was most informative.

Your research into the reasons employees choose not to share their ideas was particularly insightful.

I'd encourage anyone who has the chance to attend one of Dr Desouza's talks to do so; the knowledge is both practical and relevant, and you will walk out with a good idea of how to leverage ideas within your organisation going forward.

Cheers from Cape Town.

Kevin C. Desouza said...

Hi Kosta -
Thanks much for your kind words. Sorry that we did not have much of a chance to chat after the GSB talk. Let us surely touch base when I back in SA. Feel free to email and stay in touch.